Be Still

I am so encouraged by this word that I received from the Lord today and I want to share it with you!

A few days ago, I was writing on an index card at church and realized that on the back of it were the words “be still.” And they were crossed out. I didn’t think much of it and continued using the other side of the index card.

On my way home from the church that day, I was about to pull into our neighborhood and saw that the license plate right in front of me said “BESTILL.”

Today, as I was reflecting on that, I asked God about it. What was that about? What is it about “being still” that I need to understand? I opened to Psalm 46:10 and read the verse. I went to my Strong’s Concordance and looked at the word “still.”

The definition for that word included a lot of things that most of us would probably assume … to sink down, to relax, to withdraw.

But I also saw the word “abate,” which means “to become smaller.”

Another word I saw was “consume.” Of course, we all know what that means. But that’s not a word that I would’ve ever associated with the word “still.“

Be still and know that I am God.

Be small and in a position to consume and know that I am God.

Being still is a heart posture. Although there is something to being physically still with the Lord, it’s not really about sitting on our hands and doing nothing. It’s about being in the presence of the Lord, recognizing our dependence on him, our smallness, and being in a position to consume, to be filled up by him.

I believe the crossed out words of “be still” on that index card were God’s way of saying to me, “I have a new way for you to understand these words.”

Maybe God has something like that for you, too. He is always speaking and always revealing things if we are willing to listen and pay attention. As I’m writing this, I am praying that anyone who reads it will receive a new revelation from God today!

Claire Westbrook